Far Cry 5 Gameplay Reveal Shows Off Campaign, Villain, and Setting

Far Cry 5’s gameplay appears to retain what we know and love from traditional entries like Far Cry 3 and 4 what a slew of weapons, vehicles, and a superlative sandbox to mess around with as you please.
Ubisoft’s gameplay trailer for Far Cry 5 showed off Joseph “The Father” Seed - an American cult leader which the company hopes ends up being as iconic as Vaas from Far Cry 3 and Pagan Min from Far Cry 4. His cult is known as The Project at Eden’s Gate. Early in Far Cry 5’s development, Ubisoft’s developers spent about 14 days visiting Montana.
“We met a lot of people who didn’t want to be messed with,” says Executive Producer and Creative Director Dan Hay. “They want to be left alone. And there was this feeling of being able to take care of themselves. And it created this sense of a frontier, and a remoteness, that really resonated with us. But what happens when somebody else shows up and says, ‘yeah, I agree with you, don’t trust the government, we can do it ourselves, and I will provide’?” All of a sudden you create this petri dish, this magnet for crazy, which is where Eden’s Gate goes.”
“Far Cry is about two things,” says Hay. “It’s definitely about chaos, and there’s a lot of that in this. But it’s also about building a beautiful world. We went to Montana and we fell in love with it. It’s stunning. Think about all the different things you can do, the different creatures that are there, all the different biomes. So we built our world, and this is our version of Montana.”
What’s telling is that this is pretty much in step with the leak earlier in the week on what to expect from Far Cry 5. The release date for Far Cry 5 is February 27, 2018. Prudent considering the glut of releases towards the end of this year.