Destiny 2 on the PS4 Pro Won't Be 60fps: Bungie

5/24/2017 01:44:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

It appears that Destiny 2 on PC may just be the only version of the game to run at 60 frames per second. While the Destiny 2 gameplay reveal showed off a fantastic slice of the game's solo campaign, various media outlets speaking to Bungie's developers have confirmed that the PS4 Pro will not be able to run the game at 60fps. 
“The console, the PS4 Pro is super powerful, but it couldn’t run our game at 60. Our game’s this rich physics simulation where collision of players, networking, etc, and like, it wouldn’t run… [there’s] not enough horsepower there," said Bungie's Luke Smith to IGN.

"But there's tons of GPU power in the PS4 Pro. That's why we're doing 4K, right?" Noseworthy added. "It's on the CPU side. Destiny's simulation, like we have more AI, more monsters in an environment with physically simulated vehicles and characters and projectiles, and it's part of the Destiny magic, like that, like 30 seconds of fun, like coming around a corner and throwing a grenade, popping a guy in the head, and then you add like five, six, seven other players in a public event; that is incredibly intensive for hardware."
This also sheds light on the architectural choices for the PS4 Pro. The CPU is only around 31 percent faster than what it was on the PS4 while the GPU has a 2.3x more power. Similarly Xbox Scorpio has a 31 percent hike in terms of CPU with a 4.6x spike in GPU performance. With performance gains aimed squarely at graphics and resolution, game simulation - the AI, enemy county, vehicles, and player characters isn't exactly the focus. Although Bungie hasn't suggested what Destiny 2's frame rate would be on the Xbox Scorpio, we won't be surprised if it stays at 30fps.

The first game was also a 30fps affair on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One, hitting half a billion dollars in revenue in just 24 hours of its launch. While its unlikely that Destiny 2 would see such a massive uptake, we doubt the frame rate would be a deal breaker for many.

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